Sunday, June 3, 2018

Colorado’s diverse residents proud to represent their cultures at 47th annual People’s Fair

Diverse performers, vendors and attendees of Colorado’s 47th annual People’s Fair in Denver’s Civic Center agreed that a space dedicated to showcasing different cultures and bringing together communities from across the state felt especially important this year.

Elsa Roque and her husband, Carlos Quispe, stood by their festival booth with pride for the fifth year in a row, chatting with customers interested in the couple’s handmade jewelry, home decor and clothing inspired by their Peruvian roots.

“This is an important festival because you can show your work to the people,” Roque said. “Each culture can show who they are, and everybody likes our things. We are proud of our country and our work.”

Adib Muhammad swung by the South American booth, eyeing a green Aztec-inspired poncho. Muhammad took off his suit jacket, draped the woven fabric over his body and was sold.

“I love cultural things like this,” Muhammad said.

When fibers from the poncho stuck to Muhammad’s shaved head and dress shirt, Quispe helped clean his customer off with a roll of tape.

Muhammad said his first experience with the People’s Fair was a positive one from the moment he left the nearby Denver Art Museum and followed the sound of music to the free community event that runs through Sunday.

“It’s always good to have something like this and meet different people,” Muhammad said.

A short walk from the merchant booths, a Bolivian dance group called the Sambos Illimani suited up in vividly colored traditional clothing dripping in rainbow pom-poms, ribbons, feathers and bells.

Dancer Carla Brinnich said sometimes the diverse group feels intimidated in today’s political climate, but the members relish a chance like the People’s Fair to represent their culture.

“I like to show our traditions,” Brinnich said. “We are proud of where we come from, and we are going to keep showing up. We welcome everybody here. This festival shows we are all together and that we are all people.”

Nolana McChristian couldn’t help but dance to the strong beat of the Sambos Illimani’s music that filled a corner of the park.

The Colorado native said she’s been to the People’s Fair a handful of times and enjoys the event for its community-driven spirit.

“Especially now with more news every day about people not showing respect for each other, something like this helps us get back to appreciating one another,” McChristian said.

Among the bounce houses, food trucks, live music and shops stood a wing dedicated to young artists — many from disadvantaged backgrounds, according to local artist Doug Kacena, who helped run the mural project. Teams of young artists are invited to design and paint their own murals, with the winning team claiming a spot for its art in Union Station.

The mentor program is so beloved by the young participants, Kacena said, that it motivates the kids to stay out of trouble so they can participate.

Emelia Muilenburg smeared red paint on her team’s canvas. The recent graduate from Colorado’s Finest High School of Choice in Englewood has been a part of the mural project for three years. This year, her team was trying to convey the power of connecting people through social media platforms such as Facebook and Snapchat.

“My favorite thing is to showcase my artwork while representing the school,” Muilenburg said. “Art is like the one language that everyone speaks, so this is a way for me and my team to be heard.”


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